The Excellence in Achievement Award for Recent Environment and Agrifood Graduates: Celebrating early career alumni in the environment and agrifood sectors.

The Excellence in Achievement Award for Recent Environment and AgrifoodGraduates recognises those who have made significant progress in their careers within ten years of graduating from Cranfield. This award recognises those who have the potential to reach the highest levels of success in the future.

Alumni who have won this award will have:

  • Demonstrated technological/engineering leadership.
  • National visibility.
  • Had an early career impact on the sector or industry.
  • Demonstrated achievement beyond individual position and company.
  • International experience and impact.
  • Exhibited role model behaviours and highest standards of business practice.
  • Had a relationship with Cranfield since graduation or potential benefit of a future relationship.

Meet the 2024 Excellence in Achievement Award for Recent Environment and Agrifood Graduates Winner

Enrique Morán Montero (MSc Land Reclamation and Restoration 2015)

National Restoration Manager, Tarmac Ltd

Enrique Morán Montero has showcased exceptional expertise and leadership in environmental restoration.

As National Restoration Manager, Enrique oversees the restoration of 198 quarries across the UK. He is responsible for preparing and reviewing restoration, aftercare, and decommissioning schemes, managing associated budgets, and building strong relationships with external stakeholders to demonstrate best practices in restoration and reclamation.

Enrique has also been instrumental in leading Tarmac's sustainability strategies, such as Biodiversity Net Gain and carbon sequestration. Since 2023, Enrique has been spearheading an initiative to establish a Tarmac Sustainable Farming Code of Practice.

Throughout his tenure at Tarmac, Enrique has strengthened the relationship with 麻豆社 by signing a five-year Service Level Agreement and co-developing funded Group Projects with Dr Rob Simmons. This collaboration has positioned Tarmac at the forefront of innovative research in soil health, biodiversity net gain, and carbon sequestration and has been recognised with a special award at the 2019 MPA Quarries and Nature prize-giving ceremony for conducting the first trial of the Biodiversity Net Gain metric (DEFRA metric) in quarry sites.

Enrique is a Chartered Environmentalist and a Full Member of the Institution of Environmental Sciences, whose remarkable contributions to environmental restoration and sustainability continue to set industry standards.

Meet the 2023 Excellence in Achievement Award for Recent Environment and Agrifood Graduates Winner

Dr Siobhan Gardiner (PhD in Environment and Agrifood 2017)

Global Director, Climate & Nature, ALDI SOUTH Group

Siobhan GardinerDr Siobhan Gardiner is an expert and advocate in environmental sustainability, helping accelerate the development of new and innovative concepts to reduce the impact of business on climate and the environment.

Siobhan recently joined ALDI SOUTH Group from Deloitte Ventures where she led the climate change and environment studio. Her role at Deloitte focused on looking at how emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence and blockchain, could improve sustainability within business and future-proof operations. Prior to joining Deloitte, Siobhan spent a decade working in R&D in consumer goods, supply chain innovation and sustainable production. 

She has won several awards for her work on sustainability action and innovation around the world, including being highlighted as a leading innovator by the Biosciences & Biotechnology Research Council (BBSRC) in 2018.

In addition to speaking at high-profile events, Siobhan speaks at school events to help girls and underrepresented groups who enjoy science not to be put off by stereotypes, and to understand the broad range of exciting career opportunities available in STEM. She was awarded the ‘Woman of the Future Award’ in the Commonwealth category for her work in pushing technology transfer and policy regarding food security, access to education and addressing the challenges of gender inequality.