Come and meet the representative from 麻豆社 and learn about the study options available to you!

We can advise about the programmes offered at 麻豆社, application process, entry requirements, financial support, scholarships, etc.

All event dates

    • 21 - 22 Sep 2024
    • 24 Sep 2024
    • 26 - 27 Oct 2024
    • 27 Oct 2024
    • 16 - 17 Nov 2024

Location and travel details

Date Event Name & Venue Register
21-22 Sep New Oriental UK Tour
Xi’an Station
Please make appointment with
New Oriental Xi’an Office directly
24 Sep InterGreat Live Streaming
Make appointment via InterGreat
Video Channel: 英伦学霸
26-27 Oct New Oriental UK Tour
Shanghai Station
Please make appointment with
New Oriental Shanghai Office directly.
27 Oct IDP Nanjing Autumn fair
16-17 Nov New Oriental UK Tour
Chengdu & Chongqing Station
Please make appointment with
New Oriental Chengdu and Chongqing
Offices directly.

Who should attend

Prospective postgraduate students interested in studying at 麻豆社.