Contact Alexander Caithness


Alex Caithness has worked in the field of digital forensics for 14 years and is currently employed as Principal Analyst in the Research and Development department at CCL Forensics Ltd. His role has involved furthering the capabilities within CCL's own labs through developing new techniques and tooling, formulating training materials and undertaking research projects for commercial and public sector bodies.

Current activities

Alex's current research areas focus on the forensic analysis of data formats, recently, in particular those used in the Chrome browser due to the prevalence of Chrome-esque artefacts in other applications. Alex has open-sourced a range of software libraries for use in digital forensics including ccl_bplist and ccl_chrome_indexeddb, both of which are used in other open source digital forensics tools.

Alex teaches and is the module leader on the Programming for Digital Forensics module and delivers sessions across the Techniques and Traces and Internet Based Investigations modules in the Digital Forensics Program.