Contact Dr Gulsum Kubra Kaya

Areas of expertise

  • Air Transport Safety & Investigation
  • Industrial Ergonomics and Human Factors
  • Safety, Resilience, Risk & Reliability
  • Systems Engineering


Dr. G. Kubra Kaya is a lecturer at the Safety and Accident Investigation Centre.

She holds degrees in BEng in Industrial Engineering from Sakarya University, MSc in Systems Engineering Management from University College London, and PhD in Engineering from the University of Cambridge. Dr Gulsum Kubra Kaya's academic journey includes prior roles as a Lecturer and earning the title of 'Associate Professor' in Industrial Engineering in 2022.

Her expertise lies in safety engineering methods, focusing on system safety, ergonomics, and risk assessment. She is a registered member of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors Society (C.Erg.HF) and serves on the editorial board of the Ergonomics journal. She is an associate editor at the Risk Management and Healthcare Policy Journal and on the editorial board at the BMJ Health & Care Informatics Journal and Ergonomics Journal.

Research opportunities

Dr G Kubra Kaya is open to take PhD students, especially those would like to conduct research in system safety.

Current activities

Dr G Kubra Kaya is interested in system safety, human factors, risk assessment, machine learning and decision-making.

She is currently involved in research on safety in liquid-hydrogen-powered aircraft operations and bacteria-type detection.


Articles In Journals

Conference Papers
