Contact Dr Victoria Huntington


Victoria completed her MEnvSci in Environmental Science with a focus in geochemistry and water, air and soil pollution from Bangor University. At Bangor University, Victoria did her masters research in fluvial pollution pathways from historic mines. Victoria has now enrolled at Cranfield to pursue a PhD in metal extraction and recovery from landfill and other historic metallurgical sites working under the "REGENERATIS" project.

Research opportunities

Victoria is carrying out her PhD research within the Centre for Climate and Environmental Protection and is working within the 'REGENERATIS' project. This project is being funded by Interreg North West Europe, European Regional Development Fund and is partnered with 10 academic and industrial institutions across North West Europe.

Current activities

Currently working within the "REGENERATIS" project, Victoria is exploring various waste streams from past metallurgical sites and deposits to establish innovate metal extraction techniques. The main challenge in this project is to ensure profitability and economic viability.


Articles In Journals