Check out our Hot Topics in Corporate Responsibility series

Stranded Carbon Assets Debate: Negotiating Change in Energy Industry

by Narayana Vennavelli (May 2017)

Climate change is fundamentally threatening the very existence of fossil fuel industry. There are growing concerns among stakeholders that significant amount of the recoverable assets shown on companies’ books cannot be monetized in order to meet carbon budgets.  This report attempts to explain the issue of “Stranded Assets” in simple terms, discuss the perspectives of both proponents and opponents of this theory. and proposes a plan for managing change and engagement with stake holders using Stakeholder Analysis Matrix as well as Change Management frameworks.

The impact of global sustainability trends on the Automotive sector and Motorsport’s role in supporting the industry’s adaptation to these pressures

by Joey Powis (December 2016)

The automotive industry currently faces a number of sustainability challenge including urbanisation, climate Change, population growth and resource scarcity.  This study explores these impacts and challenges and the role of motorsport in supporting the automotive industry towards a sustainable future.  Motorsport teams and suppliers provide cutting-edge capabilities that can support development of innovative solutions, and motorsport competition provides an ideal proving-ground.

The Role of Finance Leaders in Managing Climate Change

by Aya Ghaleb (June 2015)

Climate Change has become an unequivocal threat facing all businesses. It is no longer a matter of environmental advocates; leaders across the entire business spectrum are becoming more concerned day by day about the impact of climate-related hazards on their investments. The financial sector, as well, can no longer insulate itself from climate events regardless of the level of sophistication of their hedging products and/or risk mitigation techniques. Unfortunately though, the current measures in place are neither adequate to price risk nor to mitigate it.

The Sharing Economy: Exploring New Business Models for Sustainability

by Adiva Kalms (April 2015)

As resource scarcity becomes an ever closer reality and the world population is set to hit nine billion by 2050, new ways in which to decouple growth from the rate of consumption of natural resources need to be found. Enabled by new technologies, the sharing economy is offering an avenue for alternative business models that can be adopted and scaled across new sectors and markets. Public interest in the sharing economy has grown significantly especially as the large scale success of businesses like Uber, Airbnb and Zipcar begin to gain significant financial rewards. As with all disruptive models, they begin on the outskirts, too small for big business to notice, until before long they are shaking entire markets.

Corporate Responsibilities in Times of Civil Unrest: the Case of Egypt and Vodafone

by Chris Marsden (July 2011)

In January 2011 Egypt experienced one of its largest civil revolutions in recent history which initiated a chain of events leading to the ousting of the then Egyptian president, Hosni Mubarak. The protests focused on issues of free elections, freedom of speech, and uncontrollable corruption of the government. The then president attempted to disable the protestors' ability to organise communicate by suspending internet and mobile phone services in specific areas of protests. This Hot Topic outlines Vodafone's action and responses.

Enough responsibility to go around: Lessons in Corporate Responsibility from corporate crises

by David Grayson and Abiola Barnor (November 2010)

Corporate crises are not new. what is relatively new is the increased public awareness and interest in such crises as a result of globalisation, the availability of 24-hour news and the use of the internet and social media to disseminate news. The recent BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has borne the brunt of this increased level of scrutiny. Its far reaching consequences provide a good example to discuss how corporate crises can be prevented; how their impacts might be reduced and their outcomes better managed in the future.

The financial crisis - an opportunity too good to miss

by Chris Marsden (May 2010)

Over the last few months there has been a 'sea change' in economic thinking across the developed countries. The financial crisis has shown the dominant 'western' economic paradigm of the last 30 years to be flawed. The implications of this extend to the whole economic system, how companies are governed and the corporate responsibility debate. In effect, the theory that has persuaded many governments to allow companies to do more or less what they want because an invisible hand will guide markets to efficient outcomes is both wrong and dangerous. The exponents of corporate responsibility now have a golden opportunity to make the case for more effective governance of company impacts on environmental and social issues.